Now, my youngest son, Nate, is fascinated with all sorts of outdoor TV shows, but he has never shot a gun before. I thought he would jump at the chance to shoot the largest, loudest gun Papa Chuck had. Well, I was wrong. Nate would only shoot the .22 pistols. On the other hand, my daughter Grace fell in love with shooting. She would have shot all day long if we had an unlimited supply of ammo. Not only did she shoot the most, Grace only wanted to shoot the higher caliber guns. After one round with the .22, she was ready to move on to the "Big Boy" guns.

I did not want to include this, but my wife would never let me live it down if I didn't. Shannon has never shot a gun before. So, she picked up a 9mm and took aim at the target 15 feet away. What do you think happened? I don't know if it was beginner's luck or if she has a hidden talent, but Shannon hit a bull's eye with her first shot. Notice that smile on her face is not just that she hit the target dead center. Her smile is full of pride and gloating that she did something none of the rest of us did. Good job honey!